
class tigerforecast.methods.LSTM[source]

Description: Produces outputs from a randomly initialized LSTM neural network.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__() Initialize self.
forecast(x[, timeline]) Description: Forecast values ‘timeline’ timesteps in the future :param x: Value at current time-step :type x: int/numpy.ndarray :param timeline: timeline for forecast :type timeline: int
initialize([n, m, l, h, optimizer]) Description: Randomly initialize the LSTM.
predict(x) Description: Predict next value given observation :param x: Observation :type x: int/numpy.ndarray
to_ndarray(x) Description: If x is a scalar, transform it to a (1, 1) numpy.ndarray; otherwise, leave it unchanged.
update(y) Description: Updates parameters :param y: True value at current time-step :type y: int/numpy.ndarray

