tigerforecast.problems package


This is a core



tigerforecast.problems.CustomProblem() Description: class for implementing algorithms with enforced modularity
tigerforecast.problems.register_custom_problem(…) Description: global custom problem method
tigerforecast.problems.MyProblem() Description: Make dataset into tigerforecast problem class.


tigerforecast.problems.SP500() Description: Outputs the daily opening price of the S&P 500 stock market index from January 3, 1986 to June 29, 2018.
tigerforecast.problems.UCI_Indoor() Description: Outputs various weather metrics from a UCI dataset from 13/3/2012 to 11/4/2012
tigerforecast.problems.ENSO() Description: Collection of monthly values of control indices useful for predicting La Nina/El Nino.
tigerforecast.problems.Crypto() Description: Outputs the daily price of bitcoin from 2013-04-28 to 2018-02-10
tigerforecast.problems.Random() Description: A random sequence of scalar values taken from an i.i.d.
tigerforecast.problems.ARMA() Description: Simulates an autoregressive moving-average time-series.
tigerforecast.problems.Unemployment() Description: Monthly unemployment rate since 1948.
tigerforecast.problems.LDS_TimeSeries() Description: Simulates a linear dynamical system.
tigerforecast.problems.LSTM_TimeSeries() Description: Produces outputs from a randomly initialized recurrent neural network.
tigerforecast.problems.RNN_TimeSeries() Description: Produces outputs from a randomly initialized recurrent neural network.