
class tigerforecast.problems.ENSO[source]

Description: Collection of monthly values of control indices useful for predicting La Nina/El Nino. More specifically, the user can choose any of pna, ea, wa, wp, eu, soi, esoi, nino12, nino34, nino4, oni of nino34 (useful for La Nino/El Nino identification) to be used as input and/or output in the problem instance.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__() Initialize self.
close() Not implemented
help() Description: prints information about this class and its methods
hidden() Description: Return the timestep corresponding to the last (observation, label) pair returned.
initialize([input_signals, include_month, …]) Description: Initializes the ctrl_indices dataset to a format suited to the online learning setting.
step() Description: Moves time forward by one month and returns the corresponding observation and label.

